What after basic education?

High school (Lukio) Vocational training in Turun ammatti-instituutti On this page links to some other Finnish-speaking schools sites. Evening high school in Turku Social and health studies in Kaarina Turku Christian Institute (Turun kristillinen opisto)

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educational possibilities by clicking road sign icons.

This site tells you what possibilities young people, who have immigration background, have for getting further education after finishing ninth class of basic education, i.e. peruskoulu in Turku. These pages were translated in several languages. Moped will support families in choosing education together with the Onnistuvat opit project.

What do words basic education, upper secondary education and joint application system mean?

Basic education (perusopetus): Education received at school (peruskoulu) classes 1 to 9

Upper secondary education (toisen asteen koulutus): Studies after peruskoulu are called upper secondary education. Upper secondary education can be vocational training or studying in a high school (lukio). Studying in vocational institutions and high schools is free of charge. Textbooks and other study equipment you must buy yourself.

Joint application system (yhteishaku): A person studying in peruskoulu can apply for a place for further studies for the first time in spring of the ninth class. You apply for a study place in upper secondary vocational education or high school in national joint application system. In joint application system you apply for a place to study with the same application form. You can state five different choices in your joint application form. Students for schools are usually chosen on the basis of the grades in their school year report. For some studies there is also a entrance examination.

Joint application is arranged twice a year, spring and autumn.